An Epic New Travel Blog Welcome to Six & The City

When I look back on my experiences traversing the globe, I realize my appetite for solo travel started long before I was conscious of it. As a strong-willed 14-year-old, I didn’t think twice as I waved goodbye to my parents in Munich and boarded a plane headed to Florence. I couldn’t wait to spend my summer in Italy learning Italian and immersing myself in the Italian culture. Rather than feeling apprehensive, I was invigorated by the idea of living with a host family who did not share the same language as me. Even then, I think I knew deep down that the best way to truly experience something was to dive in head-first. Little did I know a path filled with travel adventures (and now a travel blog!) was about to unfold.

I've always loved being out on the water while traveling solo. Especially on the Four Seasons Yacht in Sharm el Sheikh, Red Sea.

Now, 30 years later, I can’t imagine a life without my solo travel adventures. Since that first solo plane ride at 14, I’ve pretty much never stopped! One of my greatest achievements is the fact that I’ve traveled through all seven continents. Something my younger self would have been so proud of. To be honest, I lost track a long time ago of how many countries I’ve explored. (Many of them I’ve visited multiple times and for extended periods, but more on that to come in the future within the pages of this travel blog!)

On a personal level, I’m also truly fortunate to have met and married the most amazing man who completely understands this part of me. He constantly encourages me to pursue my wildest dreams and chase my greatest passions wherever they take me on this earth. Though I’m not a nomad, and Munich, Germany is currently my “home base,” my feet are never in the same place for too long.


Let Me Be Your Travel Guide and Confidence Coach

When I started my Instagram account, becoming a luxury travel blogger was not my initial intention. Rather, I loved the ability to easily share snippets of my beautiful experiences around the world with friends and family. It was truly meant to be a mini-highlight reel of my life. However, more than 12,000 followers later, it became clear to me that many people around the globe share my passion and can benefit from in-depth storytelling of my experiences. That’s why this travel blog now has priority boarding in my life.

I love exploring cities at night. There's something about the way a city buzzes to life when the sun goes down!

Yes, I know, not everyone may be able to spend such an extensive amount of time exploring the world and staying in luxury hotels. Even I have to constantly pinch myself when I reflect on the travel dream that has become my everyday reality. However, if I can even inspire one woman to take that leap and have the strength to visit one unchartered country or city solo, then I know I’ve made the impact I’m aiming for with this new travel blog. I want to encourage you to set aside whatever is stopping you and just take the risk. You’ve worked hard to get where you are, and I know this dream travel life can be yours too.

One of my favorite female solo travel activities - diving!

As the great Thomas Jefferson said, 

“I think one travels more usefully when they travel alone because they reflect more.”

This has always resonated with me. I truly feel my best in my own inner world when traveling solo. That feeling of pure freedom is irresistible and irreplaceable to me. I want you to feel it too. I hope through sharing my stories and solo travel experiences, I can inspire women like you to buy that ticket, hop on that plane, and look only ahead to all the destinations that await you. The possibilities are truly endless.

I also want to be clear that traveling solo, does not mean traveling lonely. Although I prefer to spend the days of my trips completely by myself, I love the comradery and energy that’s authentically created amongst solo travelers at night in bars, restaurants, and clubs. No matter where I’ve traveled, I’ve met the most incredible individuals along the way, many of whom I remain in touch with long after my trip has ended. As your guide, I am here to help you make the most out of each adventure. I will share tips, itineraries, and honest reviews of the best places to travel.


Grab Your Boarding Pass, Let’s Travel the World Together

My favorite hotel view in Vienna, Austria from The Dome Suite at Do & Co Hotel.

Though it may take me some time to refer to myself as a travel blogger, as it wasn’t my initial intent, I am fully embracing this new, exciting direction. Travel has been my passion for so long, and now I feel a calling to share my experiences along the way. From solo travel adventures to bucket-list voyages, I want this Six & The City travel blog to be one of those travel blog websites that’s a treasure trove of value, insider tips, and unfiltered experiences. I can’t wait for you to feel the magic I feel every time I head to a new destination.

On this travel blog, you can expect to be transported across the world through pages filled with:

  • Top travel tips and advice on solo travel for women
  • Luxury hotel reviews from first-hand experiences around the globe
  • Couples travel experiences that are bucket-list worthy
  • Recommendations for wellness retreats and healthy living while traveling

…and this is just the start!

I know this blog will continue to evolve over time through your input. My goal is for this to be the world’s best travel blog to follow. This community is for YOU.

Are you up for an adventure? Then come with me on this incredible journey. I can guarantee you it will be an unforgettable and wild ride.


Kathrin di Lauro

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