“If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.”
Loren Eiseley
Water is the holiest and most precious substance on this earth. Pure water is the essence of luxury!
If you’ve never heard of the term “water magic,” I’m certainly going to change that for you today. (And you’ll probably never look at water the same way again!)
The Power of Water
Water is life. Without water, life as we know it wouldn’t exist. Our planet is over 70% water, and our bodies are about 60% water. The health benefits of water are as endless as all the life forms that need water to survive. It’s no wonder that natural springs were the first sacred sites in history humans observed. This fact alone is a true representation of water magic.
What is Water Magic?
As a teenager, I had a book about the power of thoughts and words in relation to water. Dr. Masuru Emoto, a Japanese scientist, researched how water crystallized in different formations depending on the types of intentions or moods it was exposed to. This is water magic—water’s ability to take on many forms, not only in its three states (liquid, vapor, and solid), but also in the thoughts and words we give to it.
There are several ways to incorporate water’s magic powers into your daily routine.
Water Whispering
This method involves verbalizing your worries and feelings to the water and listening. This can be done with a natural water source where you live or even a bowl of water. Relax and enter a meditative state to feel the communication from the water.
Water Elixirs
Speak an intention out loud into a bottle of water or write an intention down and tape it onto the bottle. Get clear on what you want to manifest in your life. You can then drink the water or sprinkle it outside to sanctify your space.
Crystal in Water Elixirs
I have my own special method of crystal water elixirs. I begin by empowering the crystal and blowing my intentions into it. Then, I place it in a glass and fill it with some water. In the morning, I squeeze a fresh lemon inside, add some warm water, and have that first thing in the morning after my oil pulling.
Water in the Morning
The first thing I do when I wake up is drink lemon water. For the benefits of water in the morning, I squeeze a fresh lemon into a glass of warm water.
Water Anointing
This old and sacred ritual is a powerful practice. You can use a source of wild water or running tap water and allow it to stream through your hands as you pray, blessing yourself and others. You can also gently rub the water on your temples or behind your neck, wherever you want to feel this healing energy.
Water Fasting Cures
Maybe the most important water magic I have experienced is during my fasting cures. Three days of only water and herbal tea teaches you so much about water magic!
When you’re struggling, ask yourself, “Can I take this to the water and let it wash away?” Try out these practices and see how the health benefits of water, as well as the mysterious water magic powers, enhance your life!
The Profound Role Water Has Played In My Life
Water and Love
My husband is from Southern Italy and is instinctively drawn to running water. In the beginning of our relationship, twenty-five years ago, it was not easy to convince him to enjoy outdoor physical activities with me. But when we would encounter a river along our hiking path, I noticed he would be more at ease and in awe of the running water. At least for some time, he would be talking about the water instead of complaining about his physical effort! It was as if the water helped him to find calm and ease even during physical activity.
Years later, I was curious, what are the water properties that make it so magical? That’s when I learned about negative ions in water, especially next to waterfalls. These negative ions are believed to boost mood and enhance positive feelings. My husband eventually found pleasure in our excursions in nature and has always been attracted to waterfalls the most.
Water and Travel
I also learned the power of fresh, high-quality water through traveling. I’ve traveled all over the world, and in some of those places, drinking tap water was not an option. I needed to purchase expensive water from the minibar or room service, and brought canisters to take to my hotel room to store water.
Munich’s drinking water from the foothills of the Alps is a natural product, and it’s known to be better than bottled water. Now, on my mountain top over Lake Lugano in Switzerland, we don’t even need to talk about tap water quality. I have not had to buy a bottle of water in Munich or Switzerland because the water in these places is so pure.
Travel Tip: I often fill my reusable water bottles from the water dispenser in hotel gyms. Perhaps not the best option, but better than tap water in many places!’
Another magical encounter with water on my travels took place in The Chedi in Muscat, Oman. We left The Chedi for a night to watch turtles hatch in a nature reserve. Part of our trip was a wadi hike. We hiked through a dry wadi in August and then suddenly came across a pool of water. What a delight! For me, this was my most remarkable travel experience with water.
Water and Home
Being from the Alpine region myself, spending time in nature is a must. When I was deciding between two beautiful homes in the mountains of Lake Lugano in two different villages, I found much clarity when I heard that there was a natural spring near one of the homes. That’s how I chose the village where I live now. I knew I needed to be close to this powerful element so I could tap into the power of water magic in my daily life.
I particularly like to manifest water magic through stones. I blow my intention, or that which I want to let go, into the stone and then throw it into the water.
I love finding and collecting heart-shaped stones, and since I have moved to Ticino, Switzerland, they’re regularly waiting for me on my hiking trails in beautiful, surprising ways. (Sometimes they’re clearly placed by a previous hiker in a way that feels like paying coffee forward.) A few days ago, I was hiking through a magic wildflower forest near my home when I crossed a small stream. I felt drawn to use the small heart-shaped stone in my pocket that I found earlier, but I felt attached to it and didn’t want to give it to the river.
For some reason, I didn’t want to part with it. Right there, I recognized how unfree and conditioned I was. How could I not give the stone back to the wild when it was the wild that had offered it to me in the first place?
My “troubles” that I wanted to use the water ritual for had to do with a heartfelt situation, so I knew that this heart-shaped stone was meant for the ritual. I stopped overthinking it and spoke into the heart-shaped stone: “I can give my heart away and still be whole.” Then, I threw it into the river.
I felt immediate relief. I felt proud that, for the first time, I had combined this ritual with true letting-go action. I felt attached to that stone, but understood that letting go would free me.
The three following days were blissful, light, and relaxed. I knew and trusted that Mother Nature would fertilize the divine unfolding of any situation I gave to water’s magic powers.
Use Water Magic to Heal Your Soul and Connect with Your Inner Self
Are you now feeling inspired to get out into nature for some water magic this week? I know I am.
What are your past experiences with water magic? Let me know in the comments below or on my Instagram!
2 thoughts on “Water Magic Explained: The Profound Impact of Water on Your Life”
Hallo Kathrin,
Deine wunderbare Zusammenfassung über Wassermagie fließt durch mein Herz. Wunderschöner Beitrag
Liebe Gerda, herzlichen Dank für Dein positives Feedback zu meinem “Water Magic” Blog! Ich freue mich sehr, dass dies Dein Herz berührt.