

10 Benefits of Running and Why I Love It So Much 

As of recently, I’m officially in my running era, taking advantage of all the wonderful running trails near me in the Alps!  Running has unlocked a whole new passion for me, and I hope to inspire you to experience the same! Today I’m sharing what I love about running and the top 10 benefits of running for your body and mind.

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Conscious Living

Clean Living 101: How to Identify and Eliminate Toxins

With the world increasingly becoming more health-conscious andenvironmentally friendly, more people are leaning into the clean living movement. Part of this lifestyle involves eliminating toxins in environment by living organically and choosing better products and foods to consume. How does one do this? Through detoxing.

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Conscious Living

How to Go Through Christmas Feasting Without Losing It All

With the holidays around the corner, you know what that means! We’re headed for multi-day celebrations with loved ones that includes plenty of gluttony. ! Yes, you can still enjoy your favorites while focusing on moderation and trying alternative options for Christmas healthy foods

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Hotel Reviews

Why I Love Recreational Diving in The Red Sea

There’s nothing like the feeling of diving underwater for the first time.
I discovered the most serene state of relaxation that I never knew possible.
The silence underwater is indescribably beautiful and allows you to be fully present, not thinking about anything else.

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Conscious Living

How to Live Life on Your Own Terms

Do you constantly feel like you’re living only to please others and their wishes? If so, it’s time to live life on your own terms. The only person you should consult on how to live life with purpose is yourself, and your purpose is what YOU truly want. It lies in your deepest desires. You get to define how you want to make an impact on this world by embracing the unknown of life on your terms.

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Conscious Living

5 Natural Ways of Calming Anxiety When Traveling

Traveling can be the most exhilarating and freeing experience. But sometimes, even when you really want to pursue a dream or step out into the unknown, something creeps into your mind and holds you back. If you’re hesitant to take the leap and go on a solo trip or even get on a plane, you might be dealing with minor or even severe anxiety when traveling. The most important thing to recognize is that you’re definitely not alone in this.

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